Lectures in Economics

Last Updated:
25/01/2019 - 23:03

Religion, Culture, and Economic Performance

Marcus Noland

(Institute for International Economics, USA)

On May 9, 2003 At 14:30 In Cobanoglu Hall

Efficiency Issues in Liberalised Electricity Markets

Lennart Hjalmarson

(Göteburg University)

On April 15, 2003 At 14:00 In F-106

Early Labour Market Experiences of Second Generation Immigrants in Sweden

Ali Cevat Taşıran

(Göteburg University)

On April 14, 2003 At 14:00 In F-106

Assessing Structure in Monetary Policy Models

Ragnar Nymoen

(University of Oslo)

On April 7 2003 At 14:00 In Cobanoglu Hall

Şirket Birleşmelerinin Refah Üzerindeki Etkilerinin İncelenmesinde Simülasyon Modellerinin Kullanımı

Serdar Dalkır

(Microeconomic Consulting and Reserach Associates (MICRA), USA)

On March 3, 2003 At 14:00 In Cobanoglu Hall