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Is Currency Seigniorage Exogenous for Inflation Tax in Turkey?

A Survey on Turkish Electronics Industry

Education and Earnings by Gender in Turkey

A Test of Wage Leadership Hypothesis in Turkish Manufacturing Industry

Demand for Alcoholic Beverages in Turkey: A System-Wide Approach
Aysit Tansel and Mehmet Kaytaz

Time Use and Estimation of the Value of Household Production

Prices of Production in a Monetary Economy: A Note
Nazım K. Ekinci

Financial Liberalization under External Debt Constraints: The Case of Turkey
Nazım K. Ekinci

Türkiye Çimento Sanayisinde Özelleştirme ve Teknik Etkinlik
Şeref Saygılı and Erol Taymaz

Technical Change and Efficiency in Turkish Manufacturing Industries: An Exploratory Analysis
Erol Taymaz and Gülin Saatçi

The Lagrange Multiplier Approach to Testing for Structural Change in a Linear Simultaneous Equation

Structural Adjustment Policies and Employment in Turkey