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Subcontracting dynamics and economic development: A study on textile and engineering industries
Erol Taymaz and Yılmaz Kılıçarslan
Does Innovativeness Matter for International Competitiveness in Developing Countries? The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industries
Turkish Twin Effects: An Error Correction Model of Trade Balance
Elif Akbostancı and Gül İpek Tunç
İktisadi Kalkınma ve Kadınların İşgücüne Katılımı: Türkiye'den Zaman-Serisi Kanıtları ve İllere Göre Yatay Kesit Kestirimleri
Economic Development and Female Labor Force Participation in Turkey: Time-Series Evidence and Cross-Province Estimates
Bread and Empire: The Workings of Grain Provisioning in Istanbul During the Eighteenth Century
The Effects of Privatization on Labor in Turkey
The Determinants of Earning Differentials in Ankara and Istanbul
İ. Semih Akçomak and Zehra Kasnakoğlu
Do PPP and UIP Need Each Other in a Financially Open Economy? The Turkish Evidence
İ. Aysun Gökcan and Erdal Özmen