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Financial Development, Exchange Rate Regimes and the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle: Evidence from the MENA Region

Gender Differences in Academic Performance in a Large Public University in Turkey
Meltem Dayıoğlu and Serap Türüt Aşık

An Estimable Dynamic Model of Asset Accumulation and Return Migration

Original Sin Mystery Trinity and Unequal Blessings

Current Account Deficits, Macroeconomic Policy Stance and Governance: An Empirical Investigation

Kisa Dönem Krizlerin Sosyoekonomik Etkileri: Türkiye, Endonezya ve Arjantin Deneyimleri
Murat Koyuncu and Fikret Şenses

Assessing the Effectiveness of Incubators: The Case of Turkey
İ. Semih Akçomak and Erol Taymaz

Commodity Chains, Unequal Exchange and Uneven Development

Structural Change and Market Opening in Agriculture: Turkey towards EU Accession

Neoliberal Küreselleşme Kalkınma için Bir Fırsat mı, Engel mi?

Private Tutoring Expenditures in Turkey

Türkiye Ekonomisinde Yapısal Değişim: Bir Girdi- Çıktı Analizi

Does foreign ownership matter for survival and growth? Dynamics of competition and foreign direct investment
Şule Özler and Erol Taymaz

Labor Market Policies and EU Accession: Problems and Prospects for Turkey
Erol Taymaz and Şule Özler

Determinants of Unemployment Duration for Men and Women in Turkey

İmalat Sanayi ve Kirlilik: Bir Kirli Endüstri Sığınağı Olarak Türkiye?
Elif Akbostancı , Gül İpek Tunç and Serap Türüt Aşık

Pollution Haven Hypothesis and the Role of Dirty Industries in Turkey’s Exports?
Elif Akbostancı , Gül İpek Tunç and Serap Türüt Aşık

Türkiye'den Yurt Dışına Beyin Göçü: Ampirik Bir Uygulama
Aysit Tansel and Nil Demet Güngör

Economic Performance and Political Outcomes: An Analysis of the 1995 Turkish Parliamentary Election Results
Ali T. Akarca and Aysit Tansel